UQ Robotics!

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  1. Tutorial 1: Week 2:: Getting Started with the Robotics Toolbox
  2. Tutorial 2: Week 3:: Homogenous Transforms (with reading from §2.4 of Multiple View Geometry, 2nd Ed.)
  3. Tutorial 3: Week 4:: Forward Kinematics
  4. Tutorial 4: Week 5:: Lab 1 Q&A -- Bring Q, Get A!
  5. Tutorial 5: Week 6:: Lab 2: Kinect Install Guide -- Learn the basics of RGB+D with the Kinect!
  6. Tutorial 6: Week 7::
    1. Part I: Camera Calibration
    2. Part II: Image Formation and Sensing
  7. Tutorial 7: Week 8:: SIFT
  8. Tutorials for Weeks 9 and 10Lab 2 Q&A
  9. Tutorials for Week 11 and 12: Lab 3 Q&A
  10. Tutorials for Week 13: Cart-Pole Inverted Pendulum (State-Space)

Pracs / Laboratories:


Guides & Related Files:



Please refer comments & questions to: metr4202@itee.uq.edu.au

© 2012-2014, Robotics Design Lab at The University of Queensland
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License (BY-NC-SA)