- METR4202 Lab 3 Random Order Generator
- DEFINE Program Parameters
- Check for no argument case
- Determine Number of Drinks
- Initialize
- Process Each Drink
- Display Order Vector
- Nested function to make a drink
- Sub-function to randomly select an integer number
- Sub-function to select a case, relative to a given probability factor
METR4202 Lab 3 Random Order Generator
METR4202 -- Lab 3: Systems & Controls -- Raise. The Bar -- Due: November 12, 2014 --
Function picks a random set of coffee, tea, etc. menu items as specified in the "The Menu" section
function Order=Lab3RandOrder(NumberOfDrinks, AllowEspresso, AllowUrgent)
DEFINE Program Parameters
Probability for Expresso and Urgency (from [0 to 1])
Check for no argument case
if nargin == 0 NumberOfDrinks=0; AllowEspresso=1; AllowUrgent=1; end
Determine Number of Drinks
If no NumberOfDrinks arguments (NumberofDrink is zero) then randomly select the number of drinks
if (~NumberOfDrinks) NumberOfDrinks=PickANumber(MAX_NUM_DRINKS); end
Order=cell( 1+NumberOfDrinks, 1); Order{1}=NumberOfDrinks;
Process Each Drink
Select Drinks
for ii=1:NumberOfDrinks Order{ii+1}=RandomDrink; end
Display Order Vector
Order{1} = 5 Order{2} = 2 0 2 1 0 1 Order{3} = 1 1 0 2 0 1 Order{4} = 2 2 0 1 0 1 Order{5} = 1 2 0 2 0 0 Order{6} = 1 2 0 2 0 0
Nested function to make a drink
function drink=RandomDrink() % RANDOMDRINK returns a random drink order % [drink] = [ CupSize, Ncoffee, Ntea, Nsugar, Nespresso, IsUrgent], with: % CupSize: Medium [1] or Large [2] % Ncoffee: Number of coffee satchels needed [0, 2] % Ntea: Number of tea bags needed [0, 2]. Note that if Ncoffee is >0, then Ntea is 0. That is a drink will not ask for coffee and tea together. % Nsugar: Number of sugars needed [0, 3] % NEspresso [optional]: If the order is for a “fancy” espresso [0, 1]. Note: That Nespresso is 0 or 1 and if is 1, then Ntea and Ncoffee will be 0, that is a drink is either only a coffee, tea, or espresso. As “espresso” is an optional % IsUrgent [optional] = An indicator that the order is labeled “urgent” and that it is needed this first [0, 1]. If an order consists of multiple drinks with an IsUrgent of 1, it may fill these IsUrgent drinks in any order it chooses such that they are delivered before non-urgent drinks (IsUrgent=0). % Initialize CupSize=0; Ncoffee=0; Ntea=0; Nsugar=0; Nespresso=0; IsUrgent=0; % Select The Items... CupSize=PickANumber(MAX_CUPSIZE); % Medium [1] or Large [2] Ncoffee=PickANumber(MAX_COFFEE+1)-1; % Number of coffee satchels needed [0, 1, 2]. Pick 1,2,or 3, then substract 1 if(~Ncoffee) Ntea=PickANumber(MAX_TEA); end % Number of tea satchels needed [1, 2]; Pick 1 or 2 (not zero ? if we're asking for tea, then there is no coffee) % Instead we could have: % Ntea=PickANumber(MAX_TEA)-1 % %Check the Tea/Coffee Conditional % if Ncoffee>0 % Ntea=0; % end Nsugar=PickANumber(MAX_SUGAR)-1; % Number of coffee satchels needed [0, 1, 2, 3]; % Handle Espresso(s) (if allowed) % Nested if loop for readability if AllowEspresso if Ncoffee if(SelectThis(PROB_ESPRESSO)) Nespresso=1; Ncoffee=0; else Nespresso=0; end end end % Handle Urgent (if allowed) % Nested if loop for readability if AllowUrgent if(SelectThis(PROB_URGENT)) IsUrgent=1; else IsUrgent=0; end end % PLACE in vector drink=[CupSize, Ncoffee, Ntea, Nsugar, Nespresso, IsUrgent]; end
Sub-function to randomly select an integer number
function rndnumber=PickANumber(from1toN) % PickANumber returns a random number from 1 to the integer value given rndnumber=ceil(rand(1)*from1toN); % rndnumber=builtin('_paren', randperm(round(from1toN)), 1); % This is an inline form of temp=randperm(5); NumberOfDrinks=temp(1); % The round is to check for integers (in case others want to use this % (though MATLAB does not allow for localfunctions to be called from % other functions or the command line) end
Sub-function to select a case, relative to a given probability factor
function output_switch=SelectThis(THRESHOLD) % SelectThis with output a TRUE based on a given threshold randnum=rand(1); if (randnum)<=THRESHOLD output_switch=true; else output_switch=false; end end